Just wanted to give you all an update of what is happening this week. We do not have any new treatments to start- yea! We have to get blood drawn at a nearby clinic on Monday. This will come out of her arm and not her port because only a nurse can do that. I am glad not to use her port this week because it is still bruised and she still remembers last week. Today, she was looking a purse that she picked out of the toy box after they accessed her port, and Peter asked her where she got that purse? She answered, "mama." Peter then said, "mama helped you pick that out at the hospital?" She then frowned, grunted, and held her chest where her port is. She remembered that the two were associated.
Peter is planning to meet us at the clinic on lunch so we don't have to expose the other girls to the office germs. Annabelle will wear a mask. She has gotten much better with that. Pray she might keep it on the whole time we are in there.
She is still doing well with no apparent side effects. Her blood pressure is holding steady every day and she is taking her twice daily Zantac much better. We are now giving her shots every-other-day and that is a nice change. Those will continue that way for the rest of the year - slowly decreasing the dosage. She still cries for those, but she recovers very quickly.
One more request would be for insurance approval for the Rituxamab (chemo) drug. Since it is not FDA approved for her condition, they do not pay. So we are working on that along with the doctor's office. We know that God will provide for all our needs as He already has every step of the way.
We appreciate all the kind words and actions that so many have expressed to us. We are amazed and blessed. Thank you all.
P.S. I'll post more pictures soon.