Sunday, June 8, 2008

My Little Vase of Clover

I was getting ready to empty this vase of dying clover one of my girls happily picked for me when I remembered how I had been a little hassled at the prospect of being given a handful of weeds to preserve in some water in my house. However, today as I thought about my little vase of clover, it hit me that one day I won't HAVE to preserve any clover so that feelings won't get hurt. One day there won't be anyone happily picking clover for me. This little vase of clover suddenly represented much more than weeds to me. It represented the child's heart full of wonder, excitement, and love. The little hands that picked the clover and the sparkling eyes and smile that came with the delivery are what I'll remember. Oh, thank you Lord for the precious vases of clover. Help me to receive them with a joyful heart full of wonder.

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